Insight, Fulfillment, Freedom, Meaning


Very simply, I am not your traditional helper.  A partnership with me is one of exploration, discovery, alignment, and the declaration and living of our truths.  This is the process of redemption.  I partner from a place of doing and being, via experience, taking chances, forging community, success and transcendence.  Within our human journeys, we have been conditioned to both a conscious and unconscious domestication and related suffering.  My practice will bring you back in touch with your truthful wildness - whom you were meant to be before being shaped by this social conditioning.


Our Consciousness, Spirit, Essence and Soul reside in truth, beauty, love and goodness.  Consciousness is the alignment with the beauty and virtuousness of the True Self.  Consciousness is Clarity, Knowing, Being, Abundance, Presence, Instinctual Power and Connection to a universal energy.  A High Vibrational frequency.  Consciousness is Love and Grace.  All else, if not guided by these principles, is borne from our conditioned unconscious, our shadow and restricted sense of self. 


So where is your consciousness and True Self?  Where is the untapped and dormant, loving, energized, connected, vibrationally aligned, adventurous, knowing and health-conscious version of you that you recognize as your True “I?”   Well, amidst global health scares, social and political unrest, isolation, being deluged with information and insecurities at seemingly every turn, it can seem our fundamental needs for power, freedom, fun, love and belonging have all but been eradicated.    In fact, scientific research on happiness has identified healthy social connections, altruism, a mindful recognition of our thoughts and beliefs, and resilience in the face of distress, as key pillars of our wellbeing.  Thus, it is no wonder that these real-life challenges, related lack of fulfillment, conditioned egoic and rigid thoughts and beliefs, have ensnared you in staying stuck and not manifesting your dreams. 

Journey to your Consciousness and True Self


Well, you are not alone on this journey as your ever loyal “True Self,” and “inner companion,” have not abandoned you and help is on the way.  I know this as I was previously the person I described above and was immersed in negative self-talk, uncertainty and living out the same illusions that I had been conditioned to pursuing under the guise of external world safety and security. With help, I decided to escape years long contemplation, fear and malaise and took hold of my life to pursue my passions and maximize my full potential- expanding my helping services, real estate holdings and now wedding hospitality with consciousness.   Together, we will help you make contact with and nurture your True “I” while confronting the negative, disempowering shadow that haunts you.  It is time to reclaim your true spirit.


My practice is built on the vigorous pursuit of consciousness aimed at “knowing thyself,” wedding therapy, insight, lifestyle, coaching, being and drawing inspiration from philosophy, spirituality, art, science, ancient holistic healing traditions, nature, dreams, and music.  Our collaboration will help you gain a mindful recognition of your woundedness and shadow(s), raise your vibrational frequency, and help you unleash the mastery, joy and wisdom that inhabits you. You, your community and our world as a whole need you to shine your light as brightly as you can.  And I’m here to help you do just that.  I know we can do it!


My own conscious manifestation has now led me to expand my helping practice into the arena of holistic wellness and found SolMar International, which guides both the award-winning Casa Del Maya Hotel, and Casa Oasis Guest House and Spa in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.  These beautiful and revolutionary boutique hotels wed hospitality, holistic health and wellness, plant -based medicine ceremonies, and guided nature and cultural tours aimed at expanding consciousness and transcending the restrictions that have ensnared us.  SolMar is founded on forging intentional community through wellness, paying loving tribute to ancient Mayan wisdom and those of the indigenous cultures of the Americas offering respite from our conditioned lives of alienation, disempowerment, competition and confusion. 




Your journey and devotional practice toward growth and fulfillment will be nurtured by my thirty years of supporting thousands recover from mental health, substance abuse and general life challenges while working in community agency, school, medical and even correctional settings.  For you, the motivated, and curious adult who is being plagued by the gnawing feeling that you are not living the life you should be, I am passionately committed to helping you find your True Self and combat suffering from disempowerment, restrictedness, trauma, loss, anxiety, depression, addiction and relationship problems.


My service to others draws from an eclectic and wide range of knowledge, being and skills spanning client centered, insight-oriented, depth psychology, holistic healing practices, Cognitive and Dialectical Behavioral, Jungian, Adlerian, Psychoanalytic, Acceptance and Commitment, dream analysis as well as Schema Therapies aimed at creating consciousness and turning it into choice and action.  I am also a devout proponent of the work of Gabor Maté, and routinely utilize Ruiz’s “Four Agreements,” Glasser’s, “Choice Theory,” and The Law of Attraction paradigms for providing individuals like you a framework for understanding and freeing ourselves from the clutches that keep us down. 

I’ve now expanded my pursuit of consciousness via facilitating our connection to the unconscious with the aid of the ancient healing traditions of indigenous plant and animal-based medicines such as Ayahuasca, Bufo, Peyote and Rapé within the confines of Casa Del Maya and Casa Oasis.  These indigenous medicines heighten and illuminate our “True Self,” while untethering us from the restrictedness of our egos.



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“In searching for better relationship and communication within our family, we started therapy with George a few months ago. George has been a very companionable, personal guide and loyal in his promise to be present and consistent to us each week. In addition, his Jungian type approach, along with being a very caring but direct moderator, has been very effective for us in our virtual sessions together. In our family’s search for balance after traumatic illness, and subsequent goals toward healing and finding meaning, George has shepherded our family in the work to be closer emotionally, especially through challenges of lengthy pandemic isolation from one another. As we continue, we are hopeful and more focused in our movement forward together and as individuals. As we search for our meaning and healing together, it reminds us of what Thomas Merton stated, “Love is our destiny. We do not find the true meaning of life alone. We find it with one another.”

— A.B. 2021

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